Ginny finds an unexpected 'friend' in the T. M. Riddle's diary...
Emma Snape
(Sun Sep 11 07:21:00 2005)
Wow, I'm the first to comment. I love the way you draw Ginny. Even though I never used to like her much, I like her a whole lot after book six, although I have no idea why, lol. She looks so shocked - you draw people's expressions excellently!
(Tue Aug 1 17:26:14 2006)
i love the expression and fear on her face, and it also looks in a way blank and unfocused
(Fri Sep 28 17:27:18 2007)
I luv it its so ginny its really great!
utah singer that wants to be famous some day...
(Wed Aug 5 12:41:00 2009)
I know why you liked ginny in the 6/7 etc* Because SHE MARRIED HARRY!!!
Administrator (admin)
(Wed Aug 5 12:44:23 2009)
Uh no, it's actually because that's when her character started to get interesting.