Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 
Molly Weasley comforts Tonks in the Burrow...
Molly Weasley comforts Tonks in the Burrow...
Last comment 10/19/07.
Viewed: 8066 times.

Fleur ("Phlegm" to Ginny) sweeps into arry's room with breakfast on a heavily-laden silver tray
Fleur ("Phlegm" to Ginny) sweeps into arry's room with breakfast on a heavily-laden silver tray
Last comment 04/22/08.
Viewed: 8231 times.

Ginny prances in a very Fleur-like way out the door of Harry's room to help Molly in the kitchen
Ginny prances in a very Fleur-like way out the door of Harry's room to help Molly in the kitchen
Last comment 08/01/09.
Viewed: 6951 times.

Hermione is unfortunately at the receiving end of a punch from one of Fred and George's trick telescopes
Hermione is unfortunately at the receiving end of a punch from one of Fred and George's trick telescopes
Last comment 07/31/07.
Viewed: 6809 times.

Ginny is quite perturbed at the "Excess of Phlegm" in her house
Ginny is quite perturbed at the "Excess of Phlegm" in her house
Last comment 09/27/07.
Viewed: 7049 times.

Harry and Ron try to relax while checking their O.W.L. results while Hermione's positively having kittens in her anxiety
Harry and Ron try to relax while checking their O.W.L. results while Hermione's positively having kittens in her anxiety
Last comment 07/31/07.
Viewed: 6710 times.

Ginny and her adorable new Pygmy Puff pet, Arnold
Ginny and her adorable new Pygmy Puff pet, Arnold
Last comment 09/27/07.
Viewed: 8799 times.

Verity, the young assistant at Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes
Verity, the young assistant at Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes
Last comment 07/31/07.
Viewed: 7225 times.

The Malfoys (conspicuously missing Lucius) treat Harry, Ron and Hermione with utmost disdain in Malkin's Robes for All Occasions
The Malfoys (conspicuously missing Lucius) treat Harry, Ron and Hermione with utmost disdain in Malkin's Robes for All Occasions
Last comment 07/31/07.
Viewed: 7061 times.

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