Hero, Sidekick and Villain designs 

This is a project I did for a Character Design class. The assignment was to create a hero/heroine (not necessarily SUPERhero/heroine, even though I ended up doing that anyway), their sidekick and a villain. The villain I created doesn't exactly match the style and design of the hero and sidekick, but it got the job done.

I have to thank Harrietta Potter for the use of her hero concept. I was visiting her website and found an awesome character she had created: A teenage girl superhero with a hamster sidekick that had secret super powers! They could both even fly! It was such a charming concept, I asked for her permission to develop my own design of her character, and she graciously consented. Browse her galleries to see the original artist's concept. (By the way, this character was created several years ago, long before Kim Possible came along, in case you noticed any similarities...).

So, without further ado, here we have the incomparable SuperLili, her sidekick HammyBoy and the nefarious, old-school ganster-type Tommy Gunn.

Hero turnaround sketch
Hero turnaround sketch
Viewed: 4472 times.

Hero model sheet turnaround
Hero model sheet turnaround
Viewed: 4937 times.

Hero model sheet heads
Hero model sheet heads
Viewed: 3693 times.

Hero sketch
Hero sketch
Viewed: 3534 times.

Viewed: 3328 times.

Last comment 09/30/04.
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