Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 
The vicious Bellatrix threatens to kill Hermione if her opposers do not drop their wands.
The vicious Bellatrix threatens to kill Hermione if her opposers do not drop their wands.
Last comment 01/10/09.
Viewed: 4065 times.

Although Bellatrix let Harry and Co. escape her clutches, she did manage to leave her mark on poor Dobby...
Although Bellatrix let Harry and Co. escape her clutches, she did manage to leave her mark on poor Dobby...
Last comment 08/17/09.
Viewed: 4056 times.

Harry manually digs a grave, and leaves a simple tombstone as a tribute to his dear old friend.
Harry manually digs a grave, and leaves a simple tombstone as a tribute to his dear old friend.
Last comment 08/17/09.
Viewed: 5617 times.

Voldemort at last finds the Elder Wand by robbing Dumbledore's grave.
Voldemort at last finds the Elder Wand by robbing Dumbledore's grave.
Last comment 08/19/09.
Viewed: 4988 times.

Lupin visits Shell Cottage with the news that Tonks has had her baby.
Lupin visits Shell Cottage with the news that Tonks has had her baby.
Last comment 08/17/09.
Viewed: 4690 times.

After countless close calls, Harry, Hermione and Ron manage to escape Gringotts by hanging on for dear life as the old guard dragon fights his way to freedom.
After countless close calls, Harry, Hermione and Ron manage to escape Gringotts by hanging on for dear life as the old guard dragon fights his way to freedom.
Last comment 03/19/09.
Viewed: 3622 times.

In a moment of incredulous, grateful, cathartic mirth, the trio laugh on the shore of the lake as the escape dragon flies into the distance.
In a moment of incredulous, grateful, cathartic mirth, the trio laugh on the shore of the lake as the escape dragon flies into the distance.
Last comment 05/22/09.
Viewed: 3496 times.

Aberforth tells Harry more of the history of the Dum"ledore family, including when teenage Ariana lost it and inadvertently killed her mother.
Aberforth tells Harry more of the history of the Dum"ledore family, including when teenage Ariana lost it and inadvertently killed her mother.
Last comment 08/19/09.
Viewed: 3444 times.

Harry is surprised to find Neville much changed since they had last seen each other.
Harry is surprised to find Neville much changed since they had last seen each other.
Last comment 08/17/09.
Viewed: 3454 times.

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