Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 
In the Penseive, Harry watches young Snape introduce the wizarding world to Lily Evans.
In the Penseive, Harry watches young Snape introduce the wizarding world to Lily Evans.
Last comment 08/19/09.
Viewed: 4654 times.

At school, Lily confronts Snape about his new friends and their Dark methods.
At school, Lily confronts Snape about his new friends and their Dark methods.
Last comment 07/30/09.
Viewed: 3864 times.

The most important people in Harry's life appear to encourage him on his way to face Voldemort, thanks to three turns of the trusty Resurrection Stone.
The most important people in Harry's life appear to encourage him on his way to face Voldemort, thanks to three turns of the trusty Resurrection Stone.
Last comment 08/02/09.
Viewed: 4125 times.

Harry finds Dumbledore at a gleaming King's Cross station, somewhere between life and death.
Harry finds Dumbledore at a gleaming King's Cross station, somewhere between life and death.
Last comment 08/19/09.
Viewed: 4280 times.

Hagrid, believing Harry is dead, is forced to carry the body back to Hogwarts.
Hagrid, believing Harry is dead, is forced to carry the body back to Hogwarts.
Last comment 08/19/09.
Viewed: 4942 times.

Acting under Harry's final instructions, Neville proves he's a true Gryffindor by producing the sword out of the Sorting Hat and destroying the final Horcrux.
Acting under Harry's final instructions, Neville proves he's a true Gryffindor by producing the sword out of the Sorting Hat and destroying the final Horcrux.
Last comment 05/22/09.
Viewed: 4413 times.

Harry Potter, true descendant of Ignotus Peverell.
Harry Potter, true descendant of Ignotus Peverell.
Last comment 08/13/08.
Viewed: 4096 times.

Voldemort, that wacky Horcrux collector!
Voldemort, that wacky Horcrux collector!
Last comment 08/19/09.
Viewed: 6232 times.

Ginny Montage
Ginny Montage
Last comment 04/02/09.
Viewed: 4334 times.

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