Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince  
Tom has errands to do at the House of Gaunt and the Riddle House in Little Hangleton...

Tom has errands to do at the House of Gaunt and the Riddle House in Little Hangleton...

From: C_Shacklebolt (Sun Aug 14 10:34:09 2005)
There's a very "no-nonsense" look about him. Well-suited.
From: Brinn (Tue Aug 16 17:28:29 2005)
I love his eyesm just enough Evil shadow
From: Nadine (Sun Aug 21 01:57:38 2005)
Drew, you are a master of expression. I can't just look at this and go on to the next picture - there's something that makes you stop and get drawn in. Such simple lines but such a compelling look - you get th% feeling of something under the surface...something cruel. Tom now looks like he's capable of really horrible acts.
What a talent you have!
From: Stephany (crookshanks1177) (Sat Sep 17 02:40:14 2005)
He looks quite sinister, I love it!
From: Miri (Sun Sep 18 02:33:48 2005)
wow, this is an amazing picture. he looks perfect.
From: UoUoOOHH (Wed Sep 28 17:41:23 2005)
He's like, the epitome of handsome Slytherin. He looks so convincingly cold and yet undeniably handsome at the same time! :D
From: wicked92 (Fri Nov 25 13:27:21 2005)
that's it. Hes my new favorite pic.
From: MioneBookworm (Mon Jan 9 20:26:45 2006)
waaay cool...
From: Litany Riddle (Sat Feb 25 15:00:05 2006)
I looooooooooooooooove !!!
From: Me (Mon Apr 10 22:39:30 2006)
The best. You just stare and stare and stare at his eyes.

He looks so evil and so haunting...too captivating that it scares you.
From: razza (Tue Jul 4 21:43:45 2006)
Very good expression and the face is almost perfect. Close to how I picture a younger Tom, except I imagine him with a pointier nose.
From: Lils (Thu Apr 26 18:36:07 2007)
that looks so muc like the actor, it is almost creepy!
From: sak (Sun Aug 5 03:19:22 2007)

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