Harry and Ginny look up startled after Tom Riddle and his diary are destroyed
Agatha Bluestar
(Mon May 16 19:27:38 2005)
No offence Drew, but Harry's eyes in this picture make him look like a chamaleon.
Administrator (admin)
(Thu Jun 23 17:11:32 2005)
Ha, none taken. I kind of agree, and I sort of remember when I was drawing it thinking they were a bit wonky, but I obviously didn't care enough to change it! :) Just a little off-balance, it's all good. Poor Harry's had a long night...
(Tue Aug 1 17:41:10 2006)
i love the fact that harry just saved ginnys life and he still looked stunned as if he didnt no y he did it
he doesnt seem to realise that when he survived he saved millions of lives (i mean al the times he has face u no who)
(Thu Oct 4 20:42:51 2007)
Yeah, he does look a bit like a chameleon. That's ok though, chameleons are cool. (Not as cool as Harry of course)