The Chronicles of Narnia 
The Great Lion  
From: TONKS:)LUPIN  Sat Mar 11 23:08:17 2006

From: ataRaymundo  Sun May 6 15:28:37 2007
hi...i love the story from c.s.Lewis and this character is amazing...heavenly!

From: Riya  Sat Apr 12 21:34:26 2008
I really liked your movie you are a great charecter


Peter Pevensie  
From: Harrietta Potter  Thu Oct 14 15:52:00 2004
Ah, Peter! Of course he would be the one wearing red and gold. . .

From: MioneBookworm  Sun Jan 1 18:48:42 2006
ooh, lovely drawing...Peter's pretty much my favourite character, so cheers for you, drew!

From: Psyche  Mon Oct 30 20:42:56 2006
This is beautiful, but he looks a little younger than your drawing of Susan. Not a bad thing, just the way I saw it. Peter's one of my favorites, and I love this rendition of him.

From: Riya  Sat Apr 12 21:36:49 2008
hi this is a good drawing


Susan Pevensie  
From: Harrietta Potter  Mon Sep 6 17:54:13 2004
Ag potter, this series of Narnias are GREAT! Susan is so lovely!

From: Psyche  Mon Oct 30 20:45:20 2006
You draw her so much prettier than I see her in my head when I read the books. I love it though - I like the bow and her horn.

From: shaak ti  Sun Apr 1 14:59:27 2007
i love susan. she is my favirote character in the movie and books.i love her bow.

From: Riya  Sat Apr 12 21:39:34 2008
ohh Susan you are my favriote i hope i can meet you

From: Administrator (admin)  Thu Jul 30 13:57:03 2009
Keep on hoping, Riya. Keep on hoping.


Edmund Pevensie  
From: Harrietta Potter  Mon Sep 6 17:56:00 2004
Edmund. . . what a butt. . . Am I seeing some symbolism in their colors. . .

From: MioneBookworm  Sun Jan 1 18:52:44 2006
ugh, how I dislike Edmund...yeah, I can pretty much see the colour symbolism as well, though I don't know if he was meant to wear the grey and the green on purpose...

...but it certainly does make sense

From: Administrator (admin)  Mon Jan 2 00:32:02 2006
Actually, I have to say that Edmund is one of my favorite literary characters, mainly for his redemptive nature.

From: TONKS:)LUPIN  Sat Mar 11 23:10:16 2006

From: Psyche  Mon Oct 30 20:41:33 2006
I love this drawing. It suits him, and the sock - I LOVE the sock. What a great detail.

From: Rae3  Thu Mar 1 15:24:12 2007
This picture was done well.Everyone's style of drawing is very unique. (Trust me I know) My two brothers and I grew up drawing together and even when I was five I could see our styles and how different we all drew. We would draw or even trace the same drawings at that age and none of our drawings looked like the next. I have come to enjoy my style of drawing. (Advice)Never ever give up your style and try to develope a different one. (It won't work!) good-job

From: Riya   Sat Apr 12 21:41:20 2008
I Really like it


Lucy Pevensie  
From: Harrietta Potter  Mon Sep 6 17:58:54 2004
Ah, Lucy. . . she is so sweet and innocent looking!

From: Viktorius  Wed May 3 21:56:04 2006
Where's her little bottle of healing potion

From: Psyche  Mon Oct 30 20:47:03 2006
Is that her healing potion, 'round her neck, there? I love the dress, and her hair is perfect, just how I picture it.

From: Drew Anders  Thu Mar 1 15:26:58 2007
Can't u fix her just a bit. Common man she looks reatarded. She could use longer arrows!

From: Administrator (admin)  Fri Mar 2 13:47:30 2007
I feel bad that common man is a she. Also that common man looks retarded.

From: shaak ti  Sun Apr 1 15:02:47 2007
lucy does not have arrows. she has a dagger. and her potion is on her belt.

From: Suzanna Freewoods  Sun Aug 12 03:27:31 2007
Is she carrying Susan's arrows for her? Because I noticed they weren't in the other picture and lucy doesn't receive arrows as a gift. But by the way, I love your work!

From: Riya  Sat Apr 12 21:43:26 2008
you are really cute

From: Colin  Fri Jul 11 00:35:23 2008
Who ever the idiot is that said her bottle of healing potion is on her belt is stupid it's only on her belt in the new movie in the book and the BBC version it's around her neck like it is in this picture


Aslan from The Chronicles of Narnia  
From: Lewis Fan  Wed Feb 16 16:56:22 2005
he looks like Mufasa! you've really captured Aslan's wildom and dignity. He looks gentle, but still very much a Wild Lion.

From: TPK  Wed Oct 12 17:12:27 2005
Hoping the new film will encourage you to do some more Narnia sketches. These are good, but I'm itching for some character interaction scenes.

From: ataRaymundo  Sun May 6 15:29:57 2007
great King aslan!


Peter Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia  
From: Psyche  Mon Oct 30 21:08:04 2006
I almost like it better like this (as opposed to colored). He doesn't look quite so young in this one...although it may just be me and how I'm looking at it. Still love it, though.


Susan Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia  
From: eragon  Sun Apr 15 15:47:35 2007
i love her bow


Edmund Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia  
From: Sarah  Mon Apr 24 19:24:44 2006
Edmund is a brat. But one of the reasons is, because he is jealous of Peter and he wants to be the "older" brother. When he meets the witch, he feels like he can trust her.

From: Taylor  Mon Apr 24 19:32:51 2006
Edmund is a confused little boy.

From: Emily  Mon Apr 24 19:37:30 2006
I love Edmund. He's funny!

From: lea  Fri Jun 2 10:46:42 2006
I love Edmund he is just like me


Lucy Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia  
From: Evita  Sat Feb 26 23:10:23 2005
Honostly, its been around 10 years since I last read the Chronicles of Narnia so most of the details are lost to me be I remember loving this character.She's cute.


Jill Pole and Eustace Scrubb from The Chronicles of Narnia  
From: Psyche  Mon Oct 30 21:09:33 2006
I never saw Jill as taller than Eustace, but their faces are just right.


Shasta and Aravis from The Chronicles of Narnia  
From: Stephany  Wed Oct 27 20:27:16 2004
I honestly don't know about "The Chronicles of Narnia" but these drawings are great. I love the horses! I love the left horses posture and the right horses expression! Very beautiful!

From: Megan  Sat Apr 16 03:28:55 2005
I love this. The Horse and His Boy was one of my favorite books when I was younger, and the boys' expressions are priceless. So perfect for their respective characters.

From: becca  Tue Jul 26 17:58:05 2005
I totally agree with Stephany's opinion on the horses. I should know, I'm a champ at riding! The two on the right seem very beautiful, while the two on the left look you know, kind of easy-going. I love it!

From: Sierra  Wed Jul 27 19:22:23 2005
The Horse and His Boy is my favorite of all of the Chronicles of Narnia, and this picture does the book justice! It's great; I love how you can show a character's overall personality through their expressions.

From: Psyche  Mon Oct 30 21:22:27 2006
I love how Aravis looks so haughty, and Shasta looks so unsure - and the horses are wonderful.


Diggory Kirke and Polly Plummer from The Chronicles of Narnia  
From: sum_insana  Thu Feb 10 02:37:10 2005
I love these pictures from the Chronicles of Narnia! I would love to see one of Jadis.

From: TPK  Wed May 4 20:25:30 2005
I thought Diggory's surname was Kirke.

From: Administrator (admin)  Thu May 5 02:05:46 2005
D'oh! Of course, and his uncle, Andrew Kirke (I think). It's been a while since I read them... I feel stupid... Why did I think it was Finn?.... *stares blankly trying to figure out, then edits*

From: MioneBookworm  Sun Jan 1 19:03:14 2006
ooh, Polly and Digory! Two of my favourite characters in the series, yay! It is, after all, how it all began, isn't it? It's a very cute, very good drawing as well.


What IS the Deplorable Word?....  
From: TPK  Wed May 4 20:26:58 2005
I've thought long and hard about this, and I've decided the deplorable word is "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious."

Even the sound of it is something quite atrocious, no?

From: Administrator (admin)  Thu Jun 23 17:13:07 2005
Ha ha! Atrocious, indeed! And I'm pretty sure that's a good bet about what the DW actually is.

From: Another Artist  Thu Jul 14 22:39:03 2005
I'll risk sounding dumb, cuz I gotta know, who is She? Is she also from Narnia? Well...anyway, she is beutiful, and absolutly determinded to do something Drastic! And I love the crown!

From: Administrator (admin)  Thu Jul 14 23:02:56 2005
Yes, she is from Narnia, her character is explained in great detail in The Magician's Nephew (and also in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe). And yes, she IS determined...

From: J.C. Bracken  Tue Jul 19 15:32:57 2005
Aha! Excellent illustration. I especially love the detail of the long, creepy fingernails. You've done a good job of making her look beautiful and yet inherently evil.
P.S. What is the 'Deplorable Word'? I've forgotten!

From: TPK  Fri Oct 14 21:31:51 2005
It never actually says, in the books.

From: alex  Mon Dec 19 00:16:12 2005
Her name is Jadis, and she was the queen of Charn. She destroyed this land and left with both Digory and Polly to London. She is also called the White Witch(The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe), and the Queen of Underworld(The Silver Chair).The Deplorable World is really a wood with many pools of water connecting to differnt worlds.

From: MioneBookworm  Sun Jan 1 19:06:17 2006
woooooooooow...*blinks*. Simply amazing...Queen Jadis in all her greatness! Oh, and wouldn't the wood with many pools of water connecting to different worlds be the Wood Between the Worlds, and the Deplorable World be the city of Charn, once destroyed?

From: Administrator (admin)  Mon Jan 2 00:30:50 2006
Actually, I think we're discussing the Deplorable WORD, not the Deplorable World (I'm unfamiliar with the term Deplorable World, it could be because it's been a while since I read TMN).

From: MioneBookworm  Tue Jan 17 14:06:44 2006
oh, sorry. I dunno I just read world instead of world...I should get some glasses.

From: Psyche  Thu Feb 2 22:30:47 2006
It's the Deplorable Word, AG, you're right. Charn is simply the world Jadis came from - there's no "Deplorable World."

I LOVE this drawing - it's just how I pictured her.

From: MioneBookworm  Fri Mar 24 23:43:44 2006


anyway, no clue of what the deplorable WORD is, either...please don't kill me for making so many mistakes =(

From: Ginevra Weasley  Fri May 19 14:49:19 2006
No... Empress Jadis is NOT the queen of underworld, she was another of her kind. Excellent sketch! Showing Jadis as she is originally described by C.S. Lewis... seven feet tall, with long dark hair... not at all like the movie--I approve! Looks marvellous!

From: Yue  Thu Jan 15 21:15:23 2009
I love his It's Perfect=]


CoN first meeting  
From: TPK  Thu Feb 23 09:10:35 2006
Oh, your Tumnus is great! Slightly goaty face, esp. around the nose... perfect.


CoN girls  
From: number 23  Tue Feb 21 19:53:47 2006
loved this picture in your sketch book, love it now. Not to mention love the book the movie, and while Im at it YOU! ciao drew

From: Psyche  Mon Oct 30 21:47:57 2006
Forgive my stupidity, but who are they? I think the younger one's Lucy - but the older one, who is she? Is it Lucy, both young and old? Either way, both are lovely!

From: jake the artist  Sun Apr 26 22:32:09 2009
it is great!!!! by the way pstche the "oldest one" is Susan


CoN Jadis  
From: TPK  Mon Feb 27 03:43:11 2006
I thought it was a particularly nice touch in the film to have her crown gradually melt away to nothing--although I didn't like the hard, bulky look at the top of this gown. Made it look like she had some sort of exoskeleton.

From: Viktorius  Fri Mar 3 20:45:05 2006
It's weird, in the book her wand is a long golden rod, but in the movies it's as though it's ice or glass.


CoN Pevensies  
From: MioneBookworm  Sun Mar 5 12:34:48 2006
Gotta love 'em all...except perhaps Susan but well...

I love Peterr! It is an amazing drawing. =)

From: unfortunatevent  Sun Mar 26 02:56:02 2006

From: Psyche  Mon Oct 30 22:03:49 2006
Oh! I love this one, it's GREAT! The four of them together like this is wonderful. Peter is absolutely the protector, and Edmund there with that disdainful look is perfect.

From: Riya   Sat Apr 12 21:42:46 2008
I love it

From: Colin  Thu Jun 19 23:12:29 2008
I love this picture of the four actors as the four pevensie's i love the look on edmunds face

From: Administrator (admin)  Thu Jul 30 13:59:39 2009
Reposted after accidental deletion 30 July 2009:



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